Visit our website or contact us to explore the diverse range of affordable and sustainable homes we offer.
Reach out to our dedicated team for a personalized consultation. Our experts will guide you through the available options and help you find a home that suits your needs.
Work with our experts to customize your home and tailor it to your preferences. From floor plans to design elements, make your home uniquely yours.
Choose a payment plan that aligns with your financial goals. Our flexible payment options ensure that homeownership is affordable and accessible.
Complete the application process, either online or by picking up a form at our contact offices in Lagos or Abuja. Make payments securely through the designated EcoGenesis bank account.
Attend our Home Buyer Education Workshop to gain insights into the My Home Scheme. Learn about the roadmap, benefits, and payment details.
Undergo internal screening and pre-qualification. Successful applicants receive an offer letter detailing the terms and conditions of participation.
Once approved, witness the construction progress of your home. Special requests for customization are considered, keeping you informed about the project's development.
Experience the completion of construction and the establishment of internal infrastructure for the estate, ensuring a comfortable living environment.
The most awaited moment – the delivery and handover of your new home. Move in and officially transition into homeownership.