In May 2013, a groundbreaking collaboration was established between EcoGenesis and the Benue State Government through a Public-Private Partnership Agreement. This visionary partnership resulted in the generous donation of 100 hectares of prime land by the Benue State Government, setting the stage for the construction of 500 units of affordable homes. This transformative initiative underscores our unwavering commitment to alleviating the housing deficit in Nigeria while championing sustainable and inclusive development.
Land Allocation
Affordable Homes
Develop cost-effective housing solutions to make homeownership accessible to a broader population.
Integrate innovative construction methods and environmentally friendly practices.
Foster community engagement and contribute to the overall development of Benue State.
Beyond providing affordable homes, the project contributes significantly to the local economy.
EcoGenesis is actively engaged in educational initiatives within Benue State, conducting workshops and awareness programs on sustainable living practices. We believe that informed residents contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of
Established a Public-Private Partnership Agreement with the Benue State Government.
Received 100 hectares of land donated by the Benue State Government.
Launched construction activities in May 2013.
Engaged in community development initiatives and educational programs.
© EcoGenesis 2024